All week long we talked about the Presidents of the United States from George Washington to our current President Barrack Obama. We talked about the Presidents job to keep our country safe. I taught them that we have laws to help keep us safe. I then had each child think of a law they would make if they were the President and here are their very cute and clever ideas.
"No kids jumping off a cliff."

"No cars crash."

"Always wear your seatbelt."

"No jumping off an airplane into the ocean."

"No leaving babies alone in a river."

"No scaring mom."

"No grown ups can go in the river by themselves."

They became familiar with the President's faces on our coins and 1 and 5 dollar bills.

The older boys sorted real money.

The younger ones sorted our much larger pretend money.

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They practiced cutting and pasting and more sorting.

Funny Feelings Unit

 We started off our unit with Super Silly Day, the kids that did not come with silly hair received a silly hair make over.

We talked about all kinds of feelings and the kids shared all kinds of stories.
One of the days we played a feelings matching game and if they got a match they got to make that feeling face and tell us when they have experienced those feelings.

Maggie said she feels silly when.."my dad tickles me."
Tatum said she feels angry when..."My mom wake me up."

Estelle said she feels sad when..."I'm sleepy in the morning."
Vincent said he feels sick when..."I cough"

Tatum Ruby said she feels scared when..."I see spiders on my house."
Vincent said he feels brave and strong when..."I was at Grandma Rae's and I climbed the ladder to get in the tree house."

Jack said he feels frustrated when..."my sister didn't ride a hover board with me."
Estelle also said she feels sleepy..." in the morning."

Tatum Ruby also said she feels excited when..." she gets to go
to Disneyland."
We finished off our unit learning about love and kindess and getting ready for our Valentines Party.
Each of the kids made a Monster Valentine Bag

They made Valentines
They matched capital and lowercase letters together.

They practiced cutting

and came up with kind words to put on their Valentines.

On Valentines Day we decorated heart cookies donated by Tatum's mom and watched the movie Inside Out. After the show the kids passed out their Valentines.

We finished it off with pizza and pink milk!